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Integrated Sound Therapy Clinical Assistant
Mike Silveira is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in Music Therapy, with a dual certification in Mental Health Counseling. From 2018 to 2023, Mike gained valuable experience working in educational settings, supporting both neurotypical and neurodiverse children and adolescents. In 2024, Mike volunteered at the Krempels Brain Injury Clinic, where he was later hired as a group leader. In this role, he facilitated groups focused on musical and artistic expression, as well as creative writing. Mike is currently being mentored in Integrated Sound Therapy by Kathy Carley, the
founder and owner of Project CHILLD. His long-term goal is to integrate music therapy theories with the Tomatis Method of Integrated Sound Therapy to create a unique, individualized therapeutic approach.
Mike's research experience includes serving as the Emerging Scholar for the UMass Lowell Eco-Sonic Playground Project (2021-2022). He has also participated in the continuing education program, Ethics of Cultural Humility in Therapeutic Spaces with Individuals Who Have Experienced Trauma at Berklee College of Music (2023). Additionally, he has engaged in interprofessional events at Salem State University, including Maternal Mental Health (2023), Facilitating Healthcare Professionals and Students to Use Visual Arts to Enhance
Clinical Reasoning, Empathy, and Inclusion in Healthcare (2023), and Best Practices in Cancer Rehabilitation – Empowering Participation After Treatment (2024).